Sunday, December 18, 2011

Count Your Blessings

I guess at this time in my life...I really let the world get the best of me. I get so stressed so easily and I get super emotional. But im a girl...what do ya expect?! ;) But one thing I wish I would remember is to remember what I have to be thankful for. So why not take this opportunity to make a list of all the things I have to be thankful for?!

-I have an amazing family whom I love so dearly
-I have a Heavenly Father who loves me so much
-I am getting an amazing education
-I may be a broke college student, but I still have food to eat and a place to live
-I have some awesome friends
-I have some mad creativity skills
-Its Christmas time...need i say more?!

I guess at times when you think you have the worst life ever... count your blessings. Being able to see the blessings in your life is one of the tender mercies that we experience day by day. So next time youre sad...remember a miracle! See what the Lord has done in your life! Think of a funny memory! And heck, crack open those scriptures and read about Nephi chopping someone's head off!!


  1. Chin up! :) I'm glad you see how blessed you are! :) Have a merry christmas! :)
