Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Finding My Own Spirituality

So for those of you that don't know, next week I will enter the waters of baptism. I will be joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. And I am SO EXCITED!! I was raised Lutheran, I was baptized Lutheran, and I lived a normal Lutheran life (which really isn't too different from any other christian's life). But the thing was...I was always raised to have my own beliefs and to stand up for what I believed in. My parents are amazing people, they have taught me so much and so many great values. But if there is one thing that you don't mess's religion. Which is why I am in the worst possible situation now. My parents are against the LDS church. They think its a hoax and a lie. I could go on for days about every single thing they do not like. And you know what...thats completely fine with me! I am such an advocate for being your own person and having your own beliefs. I have grasped the fact that not everyone is going to believe in the same exact thing in this life. But when someone degrades my beliefs it really upsets me. So I wrote my parents a letter explaining to them what was happening. I honestly could not bring myself to tell them those words that they absolutely dread. I hate disappointing my parents or making them sad. But when I received the phone call after they read my letter, it was a lot worse than I had anticipated. My parents are livid about this, they are so disappointed in me, they think this church is the worst thing ever. They can't believe that i went against everything they had ever raised me to be....whatever that means. But the thing is...I don't know if they ever took me into consideration. Did they ever think about how what they say will effect me? Did they think to be respectful to my beliefs? I know I shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself, but I too am hurt. I'm really in such an awkward situation. But you know what, at the end of the day I must be able to reflect on my decisions and think...If I were standing before the Lord, would I be happy with my decisions? THAT is the single most important thing in this life. And I know that in order for me to be content with my decisions I must stand up for what I believe in.

1 comment:

  1. you're so strong claire!
    i hope everything went alright.
